Trauma- Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or TF-CBT, is an evidence-based treatment shown to be effective in reducing symptoms related to trauma in children and  adolescents. TF-CBT is effective in treating children and adolescents who have experienced a single trauma or even multiple traumas.

TF-CBT includes three phases of treatment:

  • Stabilization
  • Trauma Narration and Processing
  • Integration and Consolidation

Within these three phases lie eight components:

  • Psychoeducation and Parenting Skills
  • Relaxation Skills
  • Affective Regulation
  • Cognitive Processing Skills
  • Trauma Narration and Processing
  • In Vivo Mastery
  • Conjoint Parent-Child Sessions
  • Enhancing Safety